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Un petit bout de Femme... 

Un petit bout de Dieu !

Elle a l’appui de M. Pontanier, prêtre de Saint-Sulpice, et l’approbation de Monsieur Vernet, Vicaire général du Diocèse de Viviers. Avec quatre compagnes, elle se consacre à Dieu et se voue à l’instruction chrétienne de la jeunesse. Son amour ardent pour Jésus Christ, sa foi en la puissance de la prière, son audace apostolique, sa compassion à toute détresse la font surnommer par Pie IX la Femme-Apôtre. Elle meurt dans la faim de son zèle le 3 février 1838. St. Jean-Paul II la béatifie le 23 mai 1982.  En 13 Décembre 2021 le Pape François a apprové le décré de sa canonisation.

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La Congrégation des Soeurs de la Présentation de Marie fut fondée à Thueyts (Ardèche) dans le diocèse de Viviers à la fin du 18e siècle. La Fondatrice, Marie RIVIER, naquit à Montpezat, en France, le 19 décembre 1768. À l’âge de seize mois, une chute la rendit infirme, incapable de marcher. Sa mère éplorée mais croyante porte chaque jour sa fillette dans une chapelle voisine, la confiant aux soins de Notre-Dame de Pitié. Durant quatre ans, Marinette poursuivit sa supplication confiante : « Sainte Vierge, guéris-moi et je te ramasserai des petites. Je leur ferai l’école et je leur apprendrai à te bien aimer ».
Guérie partiellement le 8 septembre 1774, elle obtient sa guérison complète trois ans plus tard en la fête de l’Assomption. Dès lors, elle ne vit plus que pour réaliser sa promesse. Les portes des couvents lui étant fermées à cause de sa santé fragile, Marie Rivier, sûre qu’elle peut tout attendre de la Sainte Vierge, déclara : « Un couvent, j’en ferai un moi-même ». En pleine tourmente révolutionnaire, contre toute prudence humaine, Marie Rivier fonde son Institut le 21 novembre 1796. 

" Heal me!"  -Marinette -

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 ' Heal me'! These persistent words of the littel child before Our Lady of Pity of Montpezat has changed the world. The same words that were softly uttered by a child in the womb of her mother that reached the heart of a loving God through the intercession of Blessed Marie Rivier. 


The miracle attribute to Blessed Marie Rivier,  occurred in 2015 in the Philippines. A woman named Gemma, had a miscarriage in 2006. Then in 2007 and 2009 respectively, she gave birth to two baby girl. She discovered that she was pregnant again in January 2015. After some routine analysis, an ultrasound performed in February 21, 2015 revealed "generalized edema". The gynecologist who followed her diagnosed "fetal hydrops".  The mother was told that the prognosis was poor and that a spontaneous abortion would probably happen or, if not, certain death immediately after the birth of the child and that there was nothing that the doctors could do. If the fetus survived, there can be high probability of abnormalities.

    A few days after the ultrasound results of February 21, 2015, a close colleague of Gemma, a member of the Marie Rivier Association, initiated the prayers  to Blessed Marie Rivier asking her to intercede to God for healing on behalf of the unborn child and the pregnant mother. The Superior Provincial in the Philippines, Sr Edel Gula, had also asked all the Sisters to pray to Mother Rivier for the same plea. In March 6, 2015, the doctor performed a second ultrasound which revealed that there was no longer any trace of generalized fetal edema. Subsequent ultrasound checks showed no abnormalities. No specific therapeutic treatment was performed during the pregnancy. On September 6, 2015, a healthy baby girl was born and until today remains a healthy child without any traces of "generalized fetal hydrops non-immunological".

Is not our world need to say persistently 'Heal me'? Mother Rivier teach us to say these words, that the world may experience healing and joy!

You are a ray of hope for us dear Mother Rivier!

en un clin d'œil

O zelo de Maria Rivier ardia no coração das irmãs que não tardaram em começar a missão: visitas às famílias, formação para catequistas, catequeses para todas as idades, acolhimento das crianças menos favorecidas em pequenos espaços, até conseguirem um local próprio, com mais espaço e comodidade – o Centro de Educação Infantil Ana Maria Rivier.

La Región de Perú

En 1963, las Hermanas de la Congregación “Presentación de María” llegaron al Perú, y continuaron con la Misión de María Rivier «Mientras haya un rincón en la tierra donde Jesucristo no sea conocido y amado, no descansaré», y con fidelidad creativa siguen con su misión, adaptándose constantemente a las necesidades actuales y permaneciendo fieles a su herencia católica de la fe cristiana.

The Region of The Gambia - Ghana

As a region, we are engaged in formal and non-formal education, and particularly in vocational training for girls. We also organize retreats for Church bodies and for young people to enable them to reflect on their relationship with God and become better Christians and citizens. We endeavor to empower all we encounter in our ministry as educators and pastoral workers, especially youths. As a Region, we always try to make Jesus Christ known and loved in all that we are engaged.

The United States Province

We seek to work collaboratively with the laity in the Church. We hope to pass on our charism and mission as Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, to share Marie Rivier’s spirit and to be a vibrant presence in the Church! We desire to give to others her unshakable trust in divine providence and her outstanding audacity. We can’t keep this for ourselves we must pass it on. Marie Rivier invites us today to do what she did in her own time: animated and sustained by our Marian devotion, we make Jesus Christ known and loved by our whole life!

Province of Prince Albert

Our vocation to the consecrated life is a gift of our whole being to God.   A vow is a solemn promise made freely as an individual gives his or her life to God. Sisters, brothers and religious community priests take vows to give their lives to God by living the gospel in chastity, poverty and obedience.  This is a radical calling to belong totally to Christ.

We live out our mission in Saskatchewan, first through our prayer life and then through all the different ways we serve the people.  We try to be an “open gospel” for all those we meet.

The Mission of Japan

Japan was a region attached to the Province of Sainte-Hyacinthe until 2018, when it was constituted as a Mission attached to the General House. More than thirty missionary sisters from Canada, the USA and the Philippines came to make Jesus Christ known and loved in this Far East country where the Catholics count only 0.4 % of the population. They left a great deal of influence on those who had come in contact with one or other of them.

Province du Québec

« Ou faire connaître et aimer Jésus Christ ou mourir ». Un cri du cœur de Marie Rivier qui ne se contentait pas de demi-mesures. Elle avait les exigences des saints et savait les transmettre à ses sœurs. Cet héritage de nos origines marque notre mission d’éducatrices.

Les engagements des religieuses sont multiples et répondent aux besoins actuels de la société; cependant, quel que soit le type de nos engagements, l’objectif premier reste toujours le même : « Montrer et enseigner Jésus Christ par toute notre vie. »

Province de France

Nos priorités est annoncer, témoigner de Jésus Christ avec nos forces et nos faiblesses d’aujourd’hui. Faire connaître Marie Rivier et sa famille spirituelle. Attention particulière aux vocations dans l’Eglise.

Pour enfants portant de multiples handicaps, foyer pour les adultes handicapés. Œuvres chères au cœur de Marie Rivier et des sœurs de la Province de France. Les éducateurs, et tout le personnel, se mettent au service des défavorisés de la vie et en reçoivent joie et émerveillement.

Provincia Portuguesa

A Província Portuguesa foi fundada em 1925, pela Madre Maria da Santíssima Trindade (Leontina de Ornelas e Vasconcelos), que nasceu em 1893, na Ilha da Madeira – Portugal.

O que apaixona a nossa Província e a torna viva e dinâmica, é o olhar agradecido que pousamos sobre a bela obra de Deus, desde as nossas humildes origens e do modo como providencialmente Ele tem cuidado de tudo.

O vento do Espírito continua a soprar.

Como a Madre Rivier e a Madre Trindade: “sejamos santas, apóstolas, verdadeiras discípulas de Jesus Cristo”.

Que a Virgem Maria, nossa Mãe, nossa Rainha, nos ajude a ser fiéis a tão rica herança deixada pelas nossas santas fundadoras.

Province du Sénégal-Burkina Faso

La Province du Sénégal-Burkina Faso, qui existe depuis 70 ans, est composée de près de 90 religieuses réparties en 15 communautés, 12 au Sénégal et 2 au Burkina Faso, et 1 à Alès, en France.   La plupart d'entre nous travaillent avec les enfants et les jeunes dans les écoles, mais aussi avec les personnes souffrantes dans les hôpitaux par des visites et la communion avec les malades et les familles. Les sœurs sont également engagées auprès des femmes et des jeunes filles dans les centres de promotion féminine.

Mission du Cameroun

Provincia d'Espagna

Philippine Province

Provincia do Moçambique

I leave you a legacy of the spirit of prayer (Marie Rivier)
This heritage bequeathed to us by our foundress motivates us day by day in our walk on the path of holiness. It is in prayer that we draw all our strength to live our consecration to follow Christ and remain faithful to it.
Day by day, we are happy to respond to the demands of our consecration for the greater glory of God and the salvation of all in living the values of religious life. Like the Apostle Woman, we are tireless in our service to make people stand up. For the glory of God is the man and woman standing.

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